
Our Liberty Program is housed within Airdales Recreation Center.

Airdales is a convenient hub for all Community Recreation and Liberty Services - Outdoor Equipment Rental, Tickets and Travel and Family Programs. After years of planning and coordination their indestructibly built bowling lanes underwent a major transformation. The 11,000 square foot facility houses: Interlinked Big Boy Game Boxes, Massage Chairs, ShuffleBoard, Foosball, and Air Hockey games. There's a huge climbing jungle for kids and a massive movie room with stadium seating and Bose surround sound. Beautifully appointed furnishings attop durable carpeting are surrounded in a palette of pleasing colors which adorn the walls. The Team even commissioned a local graffiti artist who created custom splashey art for an incredible focal point. Our dining location Uptown Pizza Express satisfies the appetites of the installation in its well appointed kitchen. All of this and a state of the art multi-purpose room befit with collaboration and brainstorming tools along with high speed wi-fi and teleconference capabilities. Congratulations to the team at Mighty Whiting who continue to cut the path to provide the pinnacle of service for our military community.

Take a virtual tour of Airdales – It’s Incredible! Visit: “”.

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*Click here for details about GoWifi.*

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